That's great. Gots another design for you to try. I do this with mine as I need to control the depth of the slots.
The above is the Japanese Flush Cut saw like yours but I added a stop bar to it. The metal is REALLY hard so you have to have a strong hard bit. The bottom I have two jigs. The left is one I don't use anymore as I was slotting before I glued the fretboard on. Now I use one similar to the right. It fits much like yours but instead of a fence, its an actual slot and I can control the depth with the saw and jig. The hole in the center allows me to align the pencil mark with the jig slot.
i really appreciate this one it was educational for me due to the fact im a begginer building n learning to play cigar box giutars thanks
That's great. Gots another design for you to try. I do this with mine as I need to control the depth of the slots.
The above is the Japanese Flush Cut saw like yours but I added a stop bar to it. The metal is REALLY hard so you have to have a strong hard bit. The bottom I have two jigs. The left is one I don't use anymore as I was slotting before I glued the fretboard on. Now I use one similar to the right. It fits much like yours but instead of a fence, its an actual slot and I can control the depth with the saw and jig. The hole in the center allows me to align the pencil mark with the jig slot.
Oh no!!! What happened to PENNY'S HEAD!!!
This guys stuff is great. Anyone know if he's on the nation?