Esso can guitar - work in progress

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First test on my Esso can guitar project Just painted it still sticky...needs setting up and a few tweaks but this is what it sounds like...t

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  • Chris send me a message via the inbox and I can reply with mine.

  • Just a thought mate, Ted Crocker's, Home grown music club, bit more exclusive for mail addresses, cheers mate. :)

  • Ooooops exceeded the maximum, am I the first to do that? Any way, d to the home guard guy, "it's the ball off the top" keep away son this could go off at any minute, no mister it's the ball off the top, keep away son it's going to go off anytime, (My dad) it's not a bomb it's the ball off the top of the gates mister!!!!!!! Well send me your email address privately mate, bit of a catch twenty two. If anyone wants more stories let me know? Can't see the scren anymore, polen count is beyond a joke, now cooling and falling, all the best, Chris. :)

  • Not too sure about putting my email address on here mate, bit risky? Suppose the guys and gals are decent being musicians? The story about my mum did cause quite a bit of enjoyment, only half a story anyway as the Hailwood and Ackroyd factory was also known as the Beacon works. Two part factory, glass blowing one side that enthralled me as a kid despite the massive heat and the engineering side that the smell makes me relax and feel at home even today! Maybe that is why I spent my working life in engineering? It's so hot in here that I just took a walk outside and it's cooling off nicely, took a couple of pictures with a not so good camera but here they are anyway :- 306089569?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024306090946?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024306092618?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Hay fever is getting to me now, why did I go outside? Co's it's cool, jeez which is best or worst? Anyway if I can see to get on with the story, because they were glass and metal they made Davy lamps for all or most of the pits. When I was a kid I ran down the road to look for my grandad Thomas coming home around three in the afternoon, don't know why I bothered co's the man hated kids and he hated me, hated my dad so much he cut him out of the will, the thing that hurt my dad bad was the fact out of three sons the will read to my two sons I leave everything, my grandma Thomas would have had a fit but she went first. Queer sort of a guy with a lot of stories to tell about the strong man, five foot two and built like a brick sh*t house. When your five fear of a monster like that is going to stay with you for all your life and he played the piano very badly, the pub stough! Well getting back on track with Hailwood and Ackroyd, the glass blowers were all enticed to France, that sounds a bit, no a lot naff, but they and their kids will now be French, and why not? Just that the certain French people hate us and you can't blame them as we did pump arrows into them and destroy their country, England even owned France at one point in time, some gory details there! Interesting history but not a lot to be proud of? Well the three brothers that Edgar swore were two have stories of their own! If anyone enjoys my my wanderings in time, Cheers. Edgar was a street fighter, bare knuckle, bent six inch nails till they broke, bent iron bars round his neck and then took them off, hey to be fair he was not a wife beater. For me and our lass, two buses and a mile and a half walk just to get a shout through the door "bugger off I'me off to bed" Well I diverse but meatier stories, Apologies to anyone I have offended other than Edgar, although he did build an Anderson shelter in the garden, and he did get blown off his bike with the only bomb that landed, funny story from my dad, the bomb dropped and next day as kids on their way to school there were Home Guards guarding an unexploded bomb and my dad swears this is true, it was big and round and had made a big dint in the tarmac and my dad sai


  • Chris send me a message and I will give you an email
  • Hi, hope these download OK?

    Sorry mate file will not compress and send on CBN  , plenty of them can be downloaded from e-Bay.

    All the best, Chris.

  • Chris
    If you email me the pics I will use them in a video?
    With can guitar music behind them.
  • Thanks reeds think I will go red lettering as your pic
  • Nice cans you have chris!!
  • Oddly I found a broken one on my garage john
    Way back in my photos
    A zaz? Similar but needs major surgery!!
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