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Electric Ride

Views: 165
Some original riffing using a Kay student electric guitar through a Boss DS-1 distortion pedal, cigar box guitar through a Crybaby wah pedal, and a thrift store bass. The kick drum is just me slapping a mic and EQ-ing the highs out. It's all run straight into the PC sound card and recorded with Audacity - no amps. El cheapo all the way but a LOT of fun to tinker with!

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  • yep like this nice one.

  • Well thank you 3 string! It's great to hear that!
  • this sounds so good i keep coming back to it!
  • Thank you so much for your kind words 3 string guitar. Like I said in my other comment back to you, I've admired your work for a long time. It truly is spectacular!
  • this is pure genius the way you did the bass! sounded super cool!
  • Hey Robert and Shane - thank you for the kind words! Thanks to some things I've seen here on the Nation I've gotten really interested in both building instruments and in taking a lo-fi approach to recording. It's a BLAST!
  • Thank you kind Sir! I really appreciate the comments!
  • Mike,sometimes el cheapo is priceless!Nice riff!
  • Good sound and a cool collection of instruments
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