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drawing gift (by barksodaverne)

Views: 159
a dear friend of mine draw me this so cool gift i use as profile picture (you can check his great work on his deviantart gallery )as he filmed the work in progress of it; we decide to turn it into a collab and i improvised this repetitive track with biscuit tin guitar and botempi organ over the video :)this friend who draw me this gift is also my main recycled junk "supplier"; andbulky waste collecting fellow; who always find me and help me to find inspiring stuff and boxes in attics, streets and such for me to recycle into instruments; when i don't find them in nature during my bike outing

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  • thank you very much all for the comments :D

    Clock, can't stop laughing with the Waldo i would hesitate to use this as profile now ^^ 

    hehe Bug right , but i know some good places to find them ;) ... at lease there will still have all the wine boxes that can be recycle ^^

    Nancy Kat really kool picture !

  • VERY VERY COOL CALIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Oh wow love to watch an artist at work! He is gooood!!Great post and music to Calim!!! Meowwww^^306130660?profile=original

  • cool cool cool

  • Wow, what an artist. This is some good stuff Calim.

  • He he... P.S I like clocks pic's below

  • Cool pic/video Calim,... I couldnt see any Junk to recylce in France... just tractors, hay, cows, cheese, wine and beaches .... oh yeh and....

    er V2 missiles.. but that's another story to be told...later..

  • this would work well as music for a film/ movie

  • good video, dont think i seen such a collaboration before , but a great idea !!! i like it !!!

  • Seems to play all the way through for me!


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