Cigar Box Records: "Summer's end" by Slowhound CBG

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This is the engraving process, not the replay.Slowhound posted a vid playing a his cigar box guitar. With his permission, I engraved that track on an old CD. The cutting/engraving lathe has it's issues, but I like the Lo-Fi aspect of it

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  • thanks guys. Today I try old x-ray photos as engraving material. The blanks will have a diameter of 7" to get more recording time.

  • coolaroo  ;-)

  • Genius.... I think?

  • Ok I'm less confused now as I've gone back and watched your other videos lol :-)
  • Confused as to what's going on here? Your engraving and old cd and will then play on a traditional vinyl record player? If so that's really neat :-)
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