Developing a Better Slide Hand with Cigar Box Guitar

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Concerts, downloads & more: Official Facebook: Shane Speal demonstrates the advantages of using a 3/4" socket for a slide because the square ratchet hole provides a perfect arrow pointing to the frets.

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  • Thanks Shane. Great! I like the idea of the socket. Works great!
  •  Great tip

  • Thanks Shane.

  • not only r u a phenom of a player ,But you are always giving back ,love that , u rock,good lesson

  • I may only be a 5/8 but will compensate with great technique!

  • Brilliant! Simple and effective. Thanks for sharing that.

  • Thanks Shane,
    There must be a spare socket in the workshop that fits.

    As a noob with my first CBG I am facing a week of work and intend to play every day so I will be trying this out.

  • nice tip...

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