Demo of 2 String CBG and 2 String CBG Bass

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The first one is made by Marshall Stapleton!It has A and D strings on it, which at the moment are tuned down to E,BThe second one is made by Jay from tinyguitars's tuned Bb, FI'm having great fun with them both!!

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  • lmao .... ok enough said ...!!!


  • thanks Martyn!

    John, ah but I don't want to tell you where to put your fingers..I think you should play what feels right to YOU : -)

  • lol .... see Be, you inspired more than me, so pat on the back time me thinks. Rather than lesson I had been thinking more on the lines of ... "Put your fingers on this fret and pluck this" type stuff, your right about Shane and Keni's stuff, but for someone who has never played I think simple demonstartions work best ...!

  • Ohh I like those Be.

    I was a player in the dim and distant past, and was thinking of building a CBG bass for my next project

    If it sounds as good as yours, will be well delighted

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  • ah thanks John, glad it's sparked off you getting one!

    Lessons, no hadn't thought of musical knowledge is a bit sketchy and comes from a mixture of recorder lessons as a child, teaching myself a very small amount of piano, a few guitar lessons decades ago, then what I've learned on here with CBG's. Shane's lessons got me started, and I think with his and Keni Lee's lessons there's probably enough out there? Also I think it's important to find your own thing.  Try different guitars, different strings, different tunings, and noodle around not worrying about what it sounds like....basically experiment and have fun, and good things will happen : -)

  • Iv'e just had a 2 stringer made by Shane Wagstaff for me Be, purely on the strength of this video...!  love your playing ... did you ever think about doing a few video lessons .... some of us mortals need all the help we can get.

  • Sounds quite good! I especially liked that little slapback delay thing you did. I use that technique quite a bit in my other musical life where I'm a regular bass player. However, it never occurred to me to combine it with a *slide.* Which is funny, because I've used everything else (from fingernails to an EBow) on an electric bass at one time or another. So "thankee for spottin' me blindspot m'dear" as an old song goes. Gonna have to go out and pick up a couple of different slides this weekend and see how upset I can get my neighbors (and cat) before I get it halfway sorted out. ;-)

  • thanks John
  • thanks Willard
  • SUPER....thanks for posting
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