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Coming Home!

Views: 205
Dedicated to all the brave men and women of the Armed Forces who are serving on active operations. Lets pray they all come home safe to their loved ones.

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  • Thanks for keeping us all aware. We go about our daily grind and forget that they are out there ready and willing and too often do give their lives for our Country.

  • Hi mate, just got back from Portugal so quite a lot to catch up on. Another great song, like the guitar, nice sound, where did you get the pick up from? Now it's getting warmer I will have to get my finger out and start building. All the best, Chris. :)

  • Cheers Troy

  • Nice. Got me teary.


  •  7th March (Wed): Just turned on BBC News 24. Six  Britsh soldiers missing, believed dead.( IED). I am sick of hearing the letters IED.  The only time ah want to hear these letters again, is when ah hear taht  an IED has been shoved up the  arse of every member of  the Taliban (and thier bedmates Al Qaeda).. They are SCUM of the first order.

     R.I.P. lads, God bless

  • yep good stuff, well done

  • very nice tribute to great strong exceptional people!!!

  • Wow. That is different, but just as superb. Really worthwhile message.

  • Good stuff Steve and a great sentiment.

  • Excellent work Leadfoot !

    Lets pray, hope and wish our military men and women get home safe, to their families...


    God bless your work and thoughtfull suggestion,




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