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Clock Radio Amp

Views: 213
I recorded the amp through a SM57 into Pro Tools. No fx, or plugins.

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  • That crittur can wake me up ANYTIME , Erik lol. Nice build, ma man

  • Thanks Jason! I removed the old radio and replaced it with my own circuit and I also replaced the speaker. The Clock still works if you plug it in. It took some engineering to utilize the original volume and tuning knobs for the amps volume and gain. I also was able to get the tuning mechanism to move up and down when you turn the gain knob. I'll post another video that shows the gain knob in action. 

  • That's great, tea and jamming!

  • how did you build that, i love it

  • OK. How about going one better. A Teasmade amp. If the name wasn't used in the US I should explain that a Teasmade is an automatic tea maker activated by a clock or clock radio (apologies if you know full well what the name means). Look at it this way. You can make tea and play music at the same time. How's that for multitasking?


  • Thanks! It is pretty fuzzy and cleans up nice too. I'll post something showing the clean tone soon.

  • Sounds sweet! Love the fuzz tones.

  •    Well, it certainly sounds like it's being played through an old clock radio...

       Points for authenticity!

  • way rad!

  • Sounds sweet to me,nice amp.



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