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City Of New Orleans

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Thanks N.kat, gotta love a train song.
Super Rtzy always loved Dylan singin' this~You really did an all around awesome job on this one~Meeowwwww^^
Thank you Richard, great song.
just GREAT!!!!
Thank you Sir, I'm digging up some classic songs. I have not been reading lately so I"m getting my writer fix through songs
Could listen to your music and singing all day.
Thanks Merle the main reason for the vid post is showing off new build , then you got to play them to see what they can really do. Be nice to shoot some new vid but that's a whole another deal.
it's easy to over look editing the video to fit the music. instead of falling into the old 'slapping on some random footage' hokum, it's cool you took the time to think it out.
cut n pasted or not, this is pretty awesome - me like very much
Thanks guys, this was more work then I thought even editing the vid was a took a bit of work.
Nice one RTZ!!!