Cigar Box Guitar Porch Picking Roan Mountain, TN

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Hey all, it's been a while since I posted. You guys were very encouraging when I when I first posted the blues lick I'm using here when I was first working on it. I promised to try to build it out some more, and it's become a go-to for me when I'm noodling around. I've had some fun looping it and trying to improvise over top. I need to work on my timing and my guitar face (I look bored and/or angry when I'm concentrating! }:^0 ). I also didn't think about rounding out the end with the looper. Maybe one of these days I'll bore you guys with guys with yet another rendition of this same jam but a bit more polished. I recorded this one on my phone while I was on vacation this summer.This guitar is a favorite of mine. It's my first short scale build - 23". I used a zero fret & hard tail bridge. The action is great, and it's very smooth to play. I recently sold it, and now I need to build another player for myself to keep. That's a good 'problem' to have I suppose. :)I hope everyone is doing well. Out of the blue I got struck with pancreatitis. I've been seriously ill for the last month, and I'm finally starting to feel myself again. It's a relief! I'm still moving slow, but things are getting better. Keep on keepin' on.

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  • Thank you so much Friewall & Jeff!  I appreciate the encouragement. And I'm happy to report I'm feeling much better. I have an endoscopy tomorrow and am still on a somewhat restricted diet, but I feel pretty darn good which is awesome. :) It's great to not be in pain. I'm just about to post up a new video. This one's really different. I hope you guys enjoy it. 

  • Hope your feeling well nice video nice playing .
  • Love it! Keep on keeping on. Looking forward to more videos.
  • Oh Bob, thank you! Like I said to Dani & Grey Bear I love hearing that my playing sounds relaxing! I'm a pretty mellow person, so it seems right for the stuff I like to play for fun to be mellow too. It is really great to hear that you liked it!

    Primitive Acoustics - thank you so much! That's a big compliment. I've played rhythm guitar for a long time, and when I got into building CBGs it really stoked up a low smoldering fire I had for wanting to learn how to play lead. I've been taking 6 string lead lessons for a year now. I was scared to take lessons at 40 years old, but I'm so glad I jumped in. It's been a great gift to myself. I love playing so much!

  • Grey Bear - big thanks to you and Dani. I really appreciate the well wishes for health too. The last couple days have been a little set back, but I'm told this is going to be at least another month of healing maybe 2. So I shouldn't be surprised by some days being a little bumpy. My fret template project today has me worn out but happy to have made something and 'earned' my tiredness.

    The looper is fun. When I first got it, I couldn't figure out how to time it right to get the loop to not have a weird delay at the loop point. But my guitar teacher (I take 6 string lessons), friend, and amazing CBG guy Eric Denton showed me how to do it. You have to click right as you play the first note - no delay to start, almost simultaneous. Then you click to end the loop right when you'd play that first note again. It really helped me to see him do it & explain it in person. The looper is so entertaining though & great for practicing. I'm really happy I have it. The one I'm using is a refurbished Digitech Jamman Express I got off eBay for $56 (a best offer deal) which is a sweet deal. 

    I love hearing that my playing was relaxing! I'm a pretty mellow person, so it seems right for the stuff I like to play for fun to be mellow too. :) 

  • Thanks Hollis! We got the new roof at the end of last week, gutters replaced yesterday, and today most of the interior drywall damage was repaired (mud still needs to be sanded). It's coming together. 

    Today I was totally stir crazy from being unable to build or do physical work for so long. I made a couple aluminum fret marking templates (23" & 24" scales) following DrByte's instructions in this old post. Fret Scale Template-Accurate! Cheap!--How To Make It felt good to make something. 

  • Very nice! I thoroughly enjoyed your playing, you make it look easy....
  • THANKS!  I needed that tonight - that was just so relaxing and enjoyable to listen to.  I just had to hit the 'replay' button on that one ... that is some great 'Musical Musing'.....

  • Sounded mellow and relaxing. Totally bluesy and your lead over the loop was awesome. I've fancied using a looper myself but never got around to it. I doubt I could move my foot in time/quickly enough to accomplish it neatly either. Soooo I get to enjoy the good folks here on CBN knocking it out of the ballpark. 

    Glad that you're on the road to recovery after your health scare. These things can be very scary and do make us reevaluate things but living in the now is a good place to be at. I have a pillow that says "Take life one cup at a time". I'll drink my next tea with wishes for your continuing recovery.

    Dani enjoyed it too. She commented that it sounds "really good and relaxing". 

    Stay strong Janis! Here's to your health. :)

  • Sounds great! Glad you are on the mend and hope your roof repair is done.

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