Christmas is coming!

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Christmas is coming the geese are getting fat -(So are the rich and the poor are get poorer, but we will thank the bankers for that gift....not!)Bug style!

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  • What instrument do Taxmen play, Bug? : a TAXAPHONE!  (a Jamie original)    ;)

  • Thanks Jamie...hmm tax forms I so love them....NOT!!

  • Good take on an old song, Bug, ma man. I got all ma presents in early, wrote ma cards etc, as I find Christmas very "taxing" to!  ;)   Btw, if I could find a pal that was working,I'd quote examples too!!   ;)

  • ...Thanks guys......So if we pay 30-40% tax on income, and 20% vat on everything we buy (let alone fuel tax).....

    that's a 50% tax !

    So half of everything in the UK is tax!!!..... (and TAX doesn't have to be taxing right!)

    Let alone the 40% inheritance tax when we work that one out what's left!!

    and that's excluding interest rates....!


    Hmmm....what are other countries like then? and where is the growth coming from then?.... the CBG industry?!!!

    I rest my rant.. :>( .............Citizen Bug over and out....

  • i could  ,,  but  then    she   would make  me   king  ,, and you  guys   would be protesting  me  .. lol

  • You could always build her a swampwich ?
  • i  can't  help  ..  i'm Canadian  ,  and still owe the queen  money  ;-/



  • About 6 or 7 years ago our Town Council installed traffic lights at main roundabout the result was absolute chaos.They turned them off after a week . Then 2 or 3 years ago they were removed, and surprise,suprise,traffic now flows smoothly, no hold-ups just as before the lights were installed.

    Cost to the Tax payer around 90,000-100k of our hard earned tax wasted...let alone the Duck houses we have bought for them on expenses!

    Rise up comrades of CBN we need to protest !!....(and nice Christmas ones too for Steve) 

    Its hard enough to earn it we give it to them and they waste it!!

    Rise up...and say what really needs to be said, in protest songs.... I say...


    A mate of mine works for a bank on 100k a year, paid to stay at home over a work dispute....

    My other mate works for a company owned by the one of the banks loosing 1.9 million a week!!

    It ain't right for the hard working CBN crowd I say.....


    Unite in protest with me fellow comrades your time to speak is now!!

  • Today !
    We need to protest over too much tax and the government
    Waste of our our hard earned cash!!!
  • Great stuff Bug !

    So when does the Cigar Box People's Socialist Republic get launched ?  Will we have actual territory or is it a virtual state ?

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