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cat bowl guitar 3 string

Views: 614
Hello there! This is my first video uploaded anywhere. Apologies for the quality, filmed on a click and shoot camera, although I tried to maximise the audio by precariously balancing the amp over the camera...hmmm. Kind of made it up, hope it sounds okay. Very pleased with the build. It's rather chunky. Any feedback welcome - I'm very keen to improve.

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  • 'Dude, I wud buy one of your getars of you if I had some, but I ain't got no dollars. You playin real smooth man. I know,  I  lernt the blues from my grandaddy and he lernt it on the railroad from Robert Johnson. man, all you cats with money buy one getar from this dude. Cheap lookin watch tho bro.

  • excellent riffage... sounds real surfpunk / tarantino:0)
  • Thanks Jon. As soon as I work out what to do with the fourth string....
  • Nice sound, and playing.


    I am anxious to hear it with the fourth string!

  • Thanks Hal, very kind of you to say. It's not natural talent, this was the fifth or sixth time I played it and the other recordings were rubbish! I appreciate you kind words though. Cheers for your comment Jim - this bridge is a shard of bone which was left over from a joint of beef. It took a lot of boiling, and it stank the kitchen out for a couple of still smells meaty if it's sanded down! As for the bowl, £2.99 from Pets@Home.
  • that sounds spot on Kevin.....real swampy delta sound and a great bit of playing as well. what have you used as looks different to the bridge you had on it on your photo page. Great stufff.....think I'm off to the pet shop in search of a cat bowl !!
  • Sweet sound Kevin!  I wish I could play like that!
  • Thank you Anders, you are very kind. I have been trying to copy your playing on the dulcimer guitar since you posted your video the other week and haven't quite got there yet...
  • Ha, thanks Winston. New jeans? Next video, I'm wearing a suit!
  • Dude, what a great looking guitar. Jeez man !!! you got any more of these. Only an  idiot would not want to buy one of these man. keep on doin' it man. You need to get new jeans though, dude. 


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