Carmel. Cigar Box Guitar

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Carmel By The Sea. Playing my U.J. Roi-Tan CBG 3 string. Photos and video shot with an iPad Pro.

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  • Great to hear from you Vinnie! Thanks, appreciate it very much!

  •  As sweet as a Carmel,As always ....the exquisite vocals....Great to get a peek at yer airzone…..cheers, on

  • A yup ranks pretty good. Thanks Pick, appreciate it! 

  • Dennis, you have to visit Carmel this coming February! CalliFest  is virtually a blast, and you’ll get a chance to see the sights. Still waiting on Clint’s call! Thank you very much buddy!

  • Thanks Dave! Smooth and creamy....I’m the Dairy Queen CBG player! Very nice comments, Calli appreciated! I believe Uncle to be a conductor on the Amtrak to CALLYFEST.

  • Nice ride Daniel! Ride and listen in luxury! I just colored you envious, UJ CBGs are a treasure indeed! Thank you kindly for the great comments and photo of that super ride!

  • Thank you AGP! Yes walked in Carmel city offices one day and said Do you feel lucky punk! He was mayor of one term. As far as I could tell, there was no live music allowed at night in Carmel, he changed that! Built a golf course with a clubhouse with a stage so he could perform, as well as others. He’s very generous, donated hundreds of acres of prime land along the coast to be protected areas. That is one tall Carmel by the sea! Great views I bet!

  • Thank you very much Wal, very much appreciated that!

  • Thank you very much Wal, very much appreciated that!

  • YUP

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