Big decision - help needed!

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  • I have the perfect solution for you Give me the chess box :) How wierd is it I found a chess box the other day to build a guitar and then i see this vid I know what you mean about the box it is very nice Ime shure you could build it so the game was still playable
  • well I'd stick that lovely lookin neck into the dark box and have a mega deep 3 string cbg-but thats me.
  • I concure with the others, mess up the wine box first, then go for the glory on the chess box.
  • Wine box first with a make shift neck for a proto type I'd save the neck you're working on for the game box
  • highly agree. do the wine box first, you won't feel as bad if you mess up anything, and it'll be an opportunity to learn. however, that wine box looks awful square in shape, i can't imagine it'd be very comfortable to hold and play. good luck with both of them!
  • Prototype the wine box. Save the game box for bass #2...
  • So, it would seem that you have two bass projects in your future - the less ornate one first, as a test bed instrument, and the chess box second, after the kinks are worked out. Unless you really like playing chess, those other bits are just decorative - unless you can work out how to use the backgammon pieces as tuner knobs.
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