Back On The Ward (at Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Studios,Hamburg,Germany)

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Hollowbelly at Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Studios 06.11.2012-recording a track from the soon to be released album. .yup,another song about eating Prozac and drinking whiskey.

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  • Cheers Vinnie.
  • Feelin it..for sure...not the prozac......just you tearin it up.......doin work

  • workin on it bro.

  • Love the latest version of the album art work, all we need now is a back cover with track list.

  • 305925565?profile=RESIZE_480x480         Heres a rough mock up..lookin pretty sweet Clock :0)

  • Clock mate I'm really loving that dirtied up Hollowbelly logo-one of the comments a Punkblues DJ friend made about the other design was it was a bit too smooth (suave was the word he used).I suspect he's right.This might just be the answer.I'll pm you if thats ok.Thanks a bunch.

  • 305926172?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • 305925054?profile=original

  • Cheers Malc-I'm working on the album artwork..heres a possibility for the cover-it features pinup model Shannon Million out of Nashville Tennessee, who along with her photographer have given kind permission and all that.I was going to call the album "Mark of Cain' and get all serious, but I kinda dig this 50's vibe and the tongue in cheek title which is designed to raise a smile.Any thoughts/opinions welcome-perhaps its too 'nice',perhaps the font needs distressing?do wade in people..


  • Life is good when things like this come around.

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