Welcome to the addiction? ALLLLRIGHT!

So it has been a couple of days since I have fallen into the wonderful rabbit hole that is Cigar Box Nation and 3-string guitars and it's been a pleasure. In my past I have picked up a couple of instruments only to lose interest and move on to the next best thing. I began my degree in the wood shop, learning the skills necessary to craft custom furniture. But like any dream my reality started to creep in and I joined the military for a better future for my family. But I never put down that spoke shave or stopped carrying a sketchbook with me. In my journey I have learned to sew, paint, pour wax, shrink monokote, and tattoo. Needless to say none of those hobbies/careers has ever been practical or cost-effective. Needless to say, I've always been looking for something worth my efforts to sink my creative teeth into...


I'm sitting in front of the computer burning the midnight oil (I'm on temporary duty away from my hot wife and awesome little girl) looking around etsy.com for unique handmade gifts to put under the tree. I come across this guy doing business as celentanowoodworks, and he's crafting these awesome looking guitars. But they only have 2 strings, and some only have 1! I couldn't believe it, a one string guitar? How could that work? Then I saw this....


Awesome! And although this one had 3 strings I just had to look into it a little deeper, so off to google!

Of all the hits I saw many of them were of these guitars constructed out of nails, bolts, and a cigar box. Why? I didn't see the reason...I mean you can go buy a new playable guitar for $40. But then I heard it...and felt it...wait.

I can do this.

I can make and play my own CBG, I can create it the way I want to and play it the way I want to. Only hurdle was I didn't know anything about it.  But I believe I have found the source. So far I've posted in the Cigar Box for Soldiers forum and made a couple of friends. Dr. Dan has already diagnosed the addiction. I'm here in New Orleans for now, but when I return to Ft. Benning, GA after this TDY it will be off to the shop!

Hopefully wife, weather, and war permitting I will continue to post here and make a record of my new addiction.

So, please share stories, give tips and become a friend!

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