The (Black &) Blues

Last Thursday evening I was outside giving the compost a turn with the spade and feeding the worms.  I went and chucked the spade back in the dirt pile and wacked my ring finger on the tip of the shovel already planted nearby.  HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL that hurt.  The whole finger tip turned black and blue and by 4AM the next morning there was so much pressure under the nail that I couldn't sleep from the pain.  Dr. Drillbit came to my rescue after a quick trip to the medicine cabinet for some isopropyl alcohol and a quick trip to the basement for the bit.


I decided not to go see my proper Doc, but the fingertip is certainly broken.  I got myself a finger splint and was immediately dissatisfied that it didn't work as a slide.  :(



So since last week, I've hardly played a bit.  I tried last night and absent-mindedly went to finger a note with that ring finger.  Bad idea. It seemed better this morning so I played a bit more - part of my morning ritual - and I'm still a bit sore.


I think I'll take some advice Uncle John gave me and maybe I'll try an learn to play the harmonica for a couple weeks.

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  • Cheers John. I'm left handed and have a strong hand shake. What do you suggest?
  • Ouch. Avoid left handed people with strong handshakes. Hope it heals quickly and completely.

    All the best.


  • Ugh.  Bad Finger looks worse with no fingernail.  U-G-L-Y.  Peeled that beeotch off this afternoon.
  • Yep.  I've done myself some good pain over the years, especially growing up on a farm, but this booger really hurt.  I haven't tried the red hot poker method, but my tiniest drill bit in a pin vise works great to relieve the pressure.  It is a little freaky when that initial breakthrough occurs and the drill bit is left sticking out of the nail.
  • OOOWWWW  THAT HURT !!!!    I use a gem clip ,, heat it red hot ,, touch the nail and instant pressure release is almost organist  !!!
  • Yes indeed. Once the drill bit is removed, that is.
  • Looks almost like a human hand.  


    And it looks like it should heal okay.  Good job on the drill job.  Isn't that about the best when the pressure is reduced?

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