I started out building a CBG and used cannabilized parts such as fret board and tuners.

However, I do not know how to play guitar or read tabs. So, I had a 3-string but could not play it.

Try finding good free instrucctions on playing 3-string. And, when I did some were in EBE and some in GDG. Finally figured out that pretty much there is no difference when it comes to hitting the right fret line.

But, my guitar was acustic. Has great sound, just that all instructional viseo's used plugged in amplified guitars. The sound ws just not the same.


Therefore, I ordered a rod pizeo and pre amp and cut a hole for the preamp, slid the pizeo under my bridge - though it was not touching and had no pressure on it. Have a Bogan CH 100 that I could not get to work. fighred it was a bad preamp. So, I ordered round pizeos.

Then, I built another guitar. I did not have a cigar box for either build and mmade a box out of plywood and strip pf thin wood for supports. I made the supports way to thick on the firsr - was really hard to get inside the box even though I left the side pointed down unglued and accessable.  put the rod pizeo in it with the preamp.. till nothing.

So, I figured I needed another amp and the Bogan did not work. Found and amp at Goodwill for $25.00. Nothing happened when I plugged in. Had received the round pizeos o took out the preamp and rod and bought a soldering gun. Soldered a round pixeo to a plug socket and plugged it into the "new" amp.

WOW!  Sound and good sound - plenty of it! Really covered  the pizeo with more hot glue and found some instructional video's.

OK, so I went out and found a neat wood cigar box at a junk store for $10.00. Still havent built that one.

Anyway, Kept playing with the bogan. Discovered the plug had been bent out so I had to put the plug into the amp with my mmouth held right and it a\would do what it was suppose to do - however it had a bad him. Was humming worst that an ugly fat chick at the "Well Hung Nudist Ranch for steright men".

Opened it up, bent the socket post some and found loose glass capacitors. One capacitor had a post missing. Pushed in the capacitosrs and closed her up. Hum was there but much better and I did not have to hold my mouth just right for the socket and plug to work.

Now I have the first build I affectionately call "Frank n Steins' monster", the second buile, and a box for the third.

But it ain't over, the middle string hummed at the second fret oon my second build and all strings were hard to fret. I had used knob screws 8=39 by 1 3/4 so the fret was way off the fret board - should not have hummed.

Discovered thaat my strings were too high, and the bolt and bridge were not the right heighth. Spent a whole morning trimming the bridge and trying different bolts on nut and bridge = howevver I finally succeded.

Now I am just trying to learn to play. Anyone near Fairview TN who wants to have an old worn out bum hanging around so you can show him some things about playing a 3-string?  


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  • Its morning. Afraid I am not a morning person; actually all my family and friends know not to try engaging me till I've been up for a while. I'm still tired. Can dreams make you tired?

    Starting to dream of building CBGs - OMG. I have ordered amp parts from a company in Thialand - Yes, Thialand. They are dirt cheap but take two weeks to ten days for the order to arrive. And I am waiting on the order.

    My plans are, if the amp build turns out good [that is successful], to start building amps fpr sale. I'm still to inexperienced to put out a good enough CBG for sale. Will need to give many as gifts before that happens.

    Back to my dreaming; last night I dreamed that I built an amp and after puttinh it in the box I had for it decided it was small enough to go inside the guitar. Problem is I already have two amps. Not bad since I can;t even play yet. Anyway I did put the amp inside the guitar - sounded great. But I wanted to also be able to plug the GUitar into a "real amp" (meaning on external amp in a box of its own).Ater much deliberation I settled on a switch. It worked - so - in true CBG fashion I took out that switch and installed a three way switcch.

    Decided to post  video of how the three way switch worked in CB Nation. Had to learn how to make a video - record - using my Logitech cam. Had to learn how to upload the vid.

    I'm very successful in my dreams, aren't we all. I know I never dream of failing. Falling yes, failing no. So just had to upload it to FB.- make the most use you can out of what you have - -right>! Why not YouTube? Yeah, uploading again.

    Thats a lot of work for one night. No wonder I am groggy and grumpy in the mornings if I work that hard every night! Glad I can go to work and rest! Not really - d@#$ it.Work is like being a slave on a gallion. Those pesky jerks with whipps always coming by and wanting more.  Cannot think that way; I may dream of being the one with the whip - sounds like a very naughty and fun dream. I know I'd wake up tired.

    So, so long for now; will leave you to your own dreams  -  or nightmares.

  • Have been trying to learn "Amazing Grace" via way of instructional videos from "Night OWl" bless her heart - and I sincerely mean that! Found my memory is lousy.  I tried and tried to get the sequence of notes right. Must have lisened to the videos at least 25 times and spent afour hours a day for three weeks trying to learn. Man, I;m a slow learner. Blaming it on my age ----- but. Leave it at that.

    Anyway, Finally figured out tabs after many additional hours web surfing. Most are for ukes, never would have thought a uke was that popular? And  the rest leaned toward twelve string. But by thinking and thinking and writing page after page pf notes I finally figured it out. My big problem is I learned music for trumpet which is note by note on a music score.

    So, I wroted down the tabs for Night Owl's "Amazing Grace" and things got better. However, I still have not got to a point I consistently remember the tabs. Seems I remember maybe one out of twenty tries. But that is progress! I'll take what I can get.

    Afraid I am driving the "Boss" crazy. She commented on my amps that my guitar was plenty loud as it was and could get really loud without an amp. The amp is not for amplification for me but to get the right sound - grungy and sustaining so it is like a salid all mixed together - like ral Delta Blues (ie. Robert Johnson sound)

    Oh after buying a soldering gun - found one I already had. I inherited tools from my parents, mostly hand tools, and stored them in different places in my shop. Some are in a storage shed or even in boxes in the attic. But - to get back on course, found the iron in a drawer on my table top saw base.

    I have half a basement, a tight squeeze one car garage space that will barely fit a car with space to walk around it. It also cpntains the HVAC unit, an old freezer we rarely use anymore [use to keep foster kids and needed that extra freezer]. Now ---- well.

    Besides that it holds sheet rock I have yet to put up. But that is not all. One display case, one oversixe desk (my computer sits there - yes I am exiled to my shop in the basement). Two metal shelf units and a full size carving horse. Yeah, I piddle in carving, making wine racks, and walking canes.

    Anyway, then there is the saw table and a really to wobbly work bench I made but haven't yet took apart and rebuilt so it is more stable.  However, the coupe de grace is a corner full of boxes the Boss has stored down here!

    You tell me how much room I have to fit in a guitar neck without knocking something over or off plus an amp. I have to sit kinda side ways just to use the computer. So looking at the screen while holding and playing a CBG is a learned skill.

    My point, I did not realize learning CBG 3-string would be such a problematic thing. They are loud, do need space, and space for additional equipment, and the chronic repitition [not to mention bad notes and such] wear on your relationship,  even if you have been married 30 something years like me and the Boss.

    Guess all this is good. Blues needs woes and adversity, oppression and even heartache. BUilding and learning to play CBGs definitely supply these things in aces!

  • !

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