My brother acquired a double neck cigar box guitar at an auction to benefit flood victims in the state of Texas and consequently asked me if I would trade him the guitar for a model train that I had. The instrument was built by a gentleman named Rob Baker. The top neck is fretless and and there's a transducer under the bridge. The bottom neck has frets, a three string adjustable bridge, and what looks to be a single coil pickup of some kind. The controls are simple, consisting of a volume knob and a selector switch. The guitar also had a small battery powered amplifier that came with it. It is made from a Baccarat box. I haven't tried it out yet. I need to get a cover for the speaker and I'm scared that it will inadvertently get damaged. The guitar sounds great played through my Fender Super Champ X2. The pickup side sounds warm and thick, while the fretless side with the bridge transducer sounds thinner. Almost like a resonator. I have fallen in love with cigar box guitars.
welcome to the addiction .. build or buy , they are addictive ;-)