magnetic pickup on diddley bow

Got a question for y'all. I'm making my first Electric diddley bow and got one of those pre-wired pickups that has the tone/volume knobs. My question is, do I need to ground the pickup somehow to the bridge? If so, how? . thanks for any help
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  • heres what i do its simple and fast and works great for didlys.  just a technique.  from where yout string mounts run another string to the jack and solder it there . pin both string ends together where the brass ferruls are and you have a ground on your string.  it works great .

  • in my builds I have never had the need to ground the bridges or otherwise and they still work perfectly.

    just made/altered a 2 string Bass git using a mag pickup and never grounded that and it sound lovely through the amp.give it a try ,don't complicate things make it simple.

  • You should ground the string somehow... Typically I run a wire from the ground/shield on the jack to a screw I use for the bridge, but you could atach it anywhere... Even to the string mount point.
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