I write to advise members of the CBG community about an unfortunate experience I recently had with Ted Crocker. Before I do so, I would like to mention that I have been a very good customer and more than a little supportive to Ted. I helped him unload when he first moved to Tallahassee. I paid him $100.00 more than his asking price for a CBG, to help him get situated. I carried him and his guitars to a local blues event. When he began to experience his present financial woes, I bought THREE guitars from him, and paid cash for each of them. All in all, I have bought five Crocker guitars, and still have four (the other was a gift).


One of those purchases was on Ebay, the “lap dancer” CBG, item #1607986822028. I submitted the winning bid of $195.00. Since (at that time) Ted lived less than six miles from me, I went by his house, paid him $200.00 in cash, and got the guitar. I gave him excellent feedback. This all occurred less than an hour after the auction closed.


Yesterday I received an email from Ebay which provides: “tcrockerusa has canceled the transaction, and you're no longer entitled to receive the item. Also, an unpaid Item has been recorded on your account.” (emphasis supplied).


Ted recently mentioned on his clubhouse that he was having difficulty paying his Ebay fees. Upon receiving the above, I determined Ted presently has no items available on Ebay, which strongly suggests he still owes them. My conclusion is that he is so desperate that he “canceled the transaction” in order to avoid having to pay Ebay their cut.


I don’t precisely know what rate Ebay charges but I am confident it is less than 10%. The bottom line is that I got negative information placed on MY Ebay account for less than $20.00 (10% of $195.00 = $19.50). I suppose Ted needed this money for "veneeer." I started to chew his ass out at the clubhouse earlier today when he promptly “banned” me. Hence, I am posting this here. Thanks.

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  • burp

  • Carl, you forgot to post the pic I included in my (private) response to you. UPI Assistant is the automated eBay action:



    I did not initiate a dispute, eBay automatically did it after not receiving payment and shipping info.  All I did was forget to mark the transaction as Paid/Local Pickup - you paid cash at my home, not through PayPal on eBay.  Sorry, but I moved my shop days after the sale and it completely slipped my mind.  I had no idea a dispute was opened until you attacked me online today.  I don't know how it was closed without action by me.  Today I clicked Paid and Local Pick-up.  I've already paid my eBay fees.

    There is nothing negative on your eBay account.

    I currently have 10 auctions on eBay and in my other stores, down from my usual 30+, as I'm still getting settled in the new shop and building inventory.  

    I didn't ban you from the Clubhouse, here's your page.  Seeing that you were using such disgusting language and not listening to reason but repeatedly posting filth and making harsh accusations, I gave you a time-out in chat.  Nobody deserves the treatment you gave me today in public, especially when you are completely wrong and wildly out of control.

    I stand by my comments that you should not have used the vile language and made the ridiculous accusations you did in my chat room, or to loudly "determine", "suggest" & "conclude" I tried to scam somebody.  I won't post the screen shot of your insane rant here, it'll make you look even worse for publicly bringing up something like this without even talking to me first.  You are one of my valued repeat customers, I don't know what got into you today to make you believe I'd jeopardize that.  There are easier & free ways to cancel a transaction, give me some credit.  

    Think before you post...

    Have a nice day

    Ted Crocker

  • just got this from Ted: Nice mouth, do you go down on your mother with that?

    Thanks for the insane breakdown rant on my chat room before, it really shows your character and also your opinion of, and respect for, me and my Clubhouse. A few of the regulars got a good laugh at your childish tantrum. Is that your tactic in the courtroom? I'd recommend that you hone your people skills...

    As it turns out, I never manually marked the transaction as paid, and eBay (thru it's UPI Assistant), automatically opened the dispute after 30 days. Like I tried to say when you were viciously spewing your filthy expletives, I did not do anything to initiate that dispute.

    Sorry that somehow you thought I was capable of everything you accused me of - in public.
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