Just finished my first guitar tonight

its a 3 string, oak neck. Can't wait to learn how to play it! I play electric bass and sing some, but I've always wanted to play slide. Love Ry Cooder, Leo Kotke, ZZTop, John Lee Hooker, BB King. Really just saying hello here, it's my first post as well.

Adding pics when I can figure it out!

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  • Welcome to the dark side!

  • Gyurme, I bought those Southbound strings from CB Gitty. And thanks for the encouragement.
  • nice job MIke, what strings are you using? If you already play bass, it shouldn't be a problem playing this beast. As Grandpa says, get a decent open tuning, put a slide on your finger and away you go.

  • By the way, Mike. What are you planning for your next build? You did know that there is a next build, right?

  • Grip and rip it! Great advice.
  • I started with an open tuning on my three string (GDg), put a copper pipe slide on my ring finger, and tried to transpose some of my 6 string  (self -taught, simple stuff) experience to slide playing. Now, after a lot of hours of noodling around, I'm better. I now use a glass slide, as I prefer the smoother tone. Try different things and see what you like. I use a 7/8" deep socket on my 2 string electric diddley bow.  To me it's all about trying stuff until I like it. Not many of us will have the time or patience to emulate the stellar group you list in your post. But many of us become the best slide player we know! Grip it and rip it! The smiles are free.

  • Thanks.
  • welcome

  • congrats  ..  yes  ,  picture  please !!!  . 

  • Got a pic Mike?

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