Doyle Guitars - Cigar Box Guitars on Display

Doyle Guitars will be on display at Iron Stone Winery which is in the gold country of Northern California, just a few hours east of the Bay Area.

The guitars will be on exhibit at the Iron Stone Museum, as noted in their blog, starting today & through out the concert season and summer.

Iron Stone is a really interesting place with some very interesting things to see, like a wine cavern and one of the World's largest gold leaf nuggets.

Come on by, say hello to my dad Mike Doyle and check out some custom cigar box guitars (and a Elvis ukulele!)


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  • @Clock I can see living in Napa you might be tired of vineyards too lol. If however, you feel like taking the trip, say hello to my dad for me :)

  • l live in Napa County, but that's nearly 3 hours away. Kinda far...

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