Box guitar 1

So I got a box, not a cigar box and a bit too deep for a serious instrument but perfect for me to have a test run building a resonator guitar.

9353856499?profile=originalgathered some wood together and started chopping, drilling and generally having a blast and a beer. I had a full day off work and nothing to do but have some fun testing out my rusty woodworking skills. 

One hand drill, one electric drill, various drill bits, screwdrivers, a hammer, 3 chisels, tape measure, ruler, pencil, Stanley knife, and beer.

Time slipped by quite quickly and what a learning curve! Most of my ideas came together quite easily (thanks to all you guys and the magnificent invention of the internet). Some needed a bit of a rethink and redesign. "Oh hold on, my box sits right over the plate screwing my neck to the wood.. Time for a beer" 

Six hours later and my basic guitar was finished. It's about that time that I realised that I had no strings! ... Back to work tomorrow so it will have to wait a few days before it can be finished and tested.

I haven't had as much fun as this in a long time.  Here's a picture of it as it sits waiting for my return.


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  • I thought it looked like a dog dish. That is really cool. I'm getting lots of ideas here. Keep up the good work.
  • Clint, I think this was the puppy bowl. Very small size.

    Thanks Grandpa. This one isn't finished yet, I have to learn about piezos and paint finishes, figure out how some other things work too. There's pups and sound holes...

    Next build will be something for my daughter (very small space to work in) and after that the fun really starts, time to learn ho to construct a neck!

  • Nice dog bowl resonator. Ambitious first build, bolt-on neck and all. What's your next build? There is always a next build, you know.

  • What are you using as your resonator?
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