
Hey everyone I am still alive and kicking. I want to apologize for not being on here and listening to everyones great videos. With having COVID over thanksgiving and all the stinking overtime at work plus the fact that they have blocked youtube at work it is hard for me to find time to sign in here and listen. I have not forgotten all my friends on here. Hope to see yall at Callyfest 4

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  • Good to hear your on the mend and hopefully things ease up at work for you. If you can, strap on to that turbo skateboard and get out here to the fest Danny. Take care my friend.

  • Hi,all good Danny, glad you are well. I often think of the members I don't see on here any more, hope they are all too busy too. Stay safe.
  • Bad Angel: "Say it!"
    Good Angel: Oh, no, that would not be right...
    Bad Angel: "Say it!"
    Good Angel: He's a nice fello...
    Bad Angel: "Say it!"
    Good Angel:But, I don't thi...
    Blurted out by me: "You were gone?"

    Couldn't resist. Seriously, sorry to hear you are working so many hours, but very glad to have you back!
    I just got back from a (partial) hiatus of about three days. (Very few posts. Injured my back a few days worth...)
    Hope to see more of you soon.

  • Slacker  ! 


  • I was wondering where you were :)  I’ll expect you’ll post a video now that you’re back around?

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