I had an interesting revelation the other day when I saw the wiring for an American Strat side by side with the wiring for a Mexican Strat both with bridge position humbuckers. What was immediately grabbing my attention was that on the American version the volume pot was 500k with 2 250k tone pots where the Mexican had 3 250k pots. The switch is 7 way on the American and splits the bridge position humbucker to a single vs the 5 way on the Mex. 

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  • Hmm, that is interesting, and it would be interesting to see the combined effects of the pots and split pickup.

    The 500K volume pot alone should have the effect of more finite control. IE, less change for a given amount of knob movement as compared to the 250K right?

    But oddly, when you switch from the dual coil humbucker mode to a single coil, and reduce the impedence, wouldnt you likely sometimes suddenly want to grab a good shot of volume increase........

    And what effect does all this have on the load at the amp input?

    I'd have to play with it. But in my experience too many options and settings makes me think too hard. I am always skeptical of all these switches and controls. Simple is good. A hybrid Tele with one pickup and control set is fine for me! I just mod it so the volume knob is at my fingertips. (Flipped plate and swapped pots)

    But thanks for your observation Charlotte, it is interesting to note!

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