I have recently completed a 3 string using a tin box body. As a pickup I bought an ebay special which is one of those devices used to electrify an acoustic 6 string. It had a clamp to mount across the sound hole this was cut and shut and it is now ri
Do we want our own T shirt?
I have done a bit more to the design I posted the other day see the attached.
I have in the past done similar for Bike club events and can usually get a reu of 25 made up. I can look into this after Christmas if the intere
I found a www. site once that allowed you to put in instrument tunings and number of strings and it gave you scale patterns. Can't locate it now. any one help or give me scale patterns for AEA tuning?
Cheer Sherb
Hi All, What 3 string tunings can you suggest I am using AEA but would like to experiment with others. Is there any simple way of working out cord patterns when using open tunings was thinking of minors and 7ths as well as the straight bars giving th