


Blairsville, GA


February 23

How did you learn about Cigar Box Nation?


How many instruments have you built so far?


What do you find most interesting about cigar box guitars? (If you do not enter at least one meaningful sentence, your membership may be rejected as a spam/bot fake account).

I am 61 YO and have always wanted to play a guitar/bass. Stumbled onto Cigar Box Guitars online via YouTube and after that it was just love. I built 6?basses from kits, then 2 guitars, then a two string bass and now on CBG #6. Bad thing is I cannot play. Have signed up for online courses but nothing is clicking. It’s like I am holding an alien. And I play air guitar so well, I just don’t get it. I still love to build them, the staining, shaping necks, it’s all just therapy and the bonus is a n instrument that could be played!