



League City, TX


October 10

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  • Thank you Jason for your comment and question. The large box for the reso I found on ebay. It is a turn of the century vintage box from an importer of jams and jellies called S.S.Pierce. The bass was built by Richard Sanabia here on the Nation. I believe he built this box because he needed a box large enough to produce those low tones. Enjoy.
  • Jason, welcome to the CBG Nation site. Your first build is very nice, great job with the details. Love the fret markers and the Texas star, and those other little metal things on it. Did you woodburn the fret markers? I couldn't really see all the fret markers---what are they? Great idea. keep up the great job. Building gets in your blood---you get a high.
  • Thanx! Sure, d00d, knock yerself out! (just give me credit - not that that'll stop the import clones). Actually, that wouldn't be so bad, seeing a bunch of steampunk products hit the market.
  • Welcome to The Nation, Jason. Good luck with CBG #1.
    Don't worry about screwing up. Failures are stepping stones to future successes.

    Oooooh! I'm all philosophical at 2:00am. Maybe I should go to bed now.
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