Doc Oakroot's Discussions (16)

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Female backing vocals

OK, this is a really bad place to ask this, but I'm looking for a female backing vocalist who has their own recording set up to add some backing vocals to a song. Or multiple vocalists who can do it. Anyone here? Or anyone know anyone. Send me a me

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Blues Jam Special

153043280?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024I've been going to a blues jam recently. Last time I was there, I was trying to do some songs on the Cyclops (which is in open D), but they'd stuck me with a keyboard player who doesn't listen worth a damn and can only play in C anyway, lol. Total t

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48 V preamp plans?

I want to build a preamp to run off the 48V phantom power from the mixing board on an XLR (microphone) connection. Does anyone know of a good circuit that will work with a piezo at this voltage? I'm looking for clean impedance matching not overdriven

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Homemade stick and string...

The first track, "Mushroom Men," is a perfect song to show anyone wondering who Claypool is.

The main instrument being his homemade stick and string, creating a unnatural circus-esque noise, and a deep vibration that hurts the innards of ones heart.

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