Plover, WI
September 19
How did you learn about Cigar Box Nation?
Stumbled upon the website by way of stumbling upon a mandolin made by Paul Cooper on Valentines day of 2019.
How many instruments have you built so far?
I haven't built any but I have acquired one through the grape vine
What do you find most interesting about cigar box guitars? (If you do not enter at least one meaningful sentence, your membership may be rejected as a spam/bot fake account).
I find the cigar box obviously to be such an original idea. Not only that, it's the handcrafting of such an awesome looking instrument and the craftsmanship that goes into building something like this that allows it to age through the years almost as nicely as an acoustic or any other guitar for that matter. Looking forward to learning more about the origin and other stories associated with such a unique background.