I've done basically what c# merle did. This is a short scale effort for the kids to play around with. Not sure how it's going to turn out but it looks all right. Leveled the nails/frets earlier today. They do require a bit more work then frets but you can't beat the cool factor
Bob Harrison said:
It will be fun for you, I'll be intrested to see what you end up with:)
I've done basically what c# merle did. This is a short scale effort for the kids to play around with. Not sure how it's going to turn out but it looks all right. Leveled the nails/frets earlier today. They do require a bit more work then frets but you can't beat the cool factor
Bob Harrison said:
It will be fun for you, I'll be intrested to see what you end up with:)
I hate to say this, but it took me a really long time just to burn 'em in and I need to get this done by friday. so, unfortunately, I didn't use nails. But I will at least use normal frets on the next "nice" build. (I've got a few ideas for other builds that don't even need frets or quality)
The easer way would be to go fret less and use a pen or wood burn tool too mark the divisions.. I think go frets as long as you have a saw too cut the slots. With nails as you can see from my photos theres a lot of things you still have to do, including leaveling them same as frets. For me it will be a long time before I use nails again. Hope this helps a little.
alectron said:
I'm focusing mainly on easier, because this is only my 3rd build.
I found that nails frets are more trouble than they are worth. I took standard nails and bent them on the ends and cut the heads and tails off with a Dremal cut off tool. The bend on the ends was done to help hold them on the fingerboard and to feel better on the hand. Then I cut a grove in the bottoms of each nail for epoxy to go. In the fret board I cut grooves to locate the nails. And was said earlier nails are not very flat or straight. All in all I found that standard frets work better for me, but they do look cool.
G. B. said:
Bob Harrison said:
alectron said:
alectron said:
alectron said: