
  • Rather than looking for a standard height for the fretboard, concentrate instead on ensuring that your neck is at the correct depth for the best playing action. Your primary concern is how high the strings are off the frets so that is what you should design to.

    Brett Morgan said:
    If the top of the neck is flush with the top of the cigar box, how high is the fretboard as a general rule? If the CBG has a scale length of 25 1/2" my strats fretboard sits off the body about 6mm, is this what's best to stick too?

  • If the top of the neck is flush with the top of the cigar box, how high is the fretboard as a general rule? If the CBG has a scale length of 25 1/2" my strats fretboard sits off the body about 6mm, is this what's best to stick too?

  • Hi there!
    Please, excuses if my question is too beginner's or a silly one:
    How far each other the 3 string of a CBG should be. I am in this point.
    Big thanks!
  • Absolutely. In fact, you could take the sides down with a block plane if you wanted to. It's how I used to do this before I bought a band saw. A coping saw would work as well.

    colin mcgrath said:
    could I use a zipsaw with a mid speed-cut blade if I have a steady hand. I am without a band saw at the moment.
  • could I use a zipsaw with a mid speed-cut blade if I have a steady hand. I am without a band saw at the moment.
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