
  • Yeah, of course. That 11.5 was in reference to trying to support a standard scale length (so between 24 and 26"). Fret layout is based on a mathematical formula that divides up the scale based on its total length. Theoretically, you could have a 2" scale length, although good luck getting the hardware to support a guitar that size :)

    Tophat Commode said:
    It's always very cool to see what real lutherie involves. Whole lot of good lutherie info in this--can we take that minimum length of 11.5" and roughly scale it down(1/3rds) for electric ukes, clawhammer banjoes, 3 string bouzouks(baglamas),etc...? I dig it when the Masters humbly share, giving it away 'real good for free'...that's the kinda karma that comes back good!
  • this is great. you are helping me more thin you know.
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