
Hi I'm Wolf from Central Ma..    Found this site a while ago but Joined when I found the LapSteel section...  I have been a mediocre guitar player.. and a bass (Upright and Electrophonic)  Player... Recently got interested in Ukes and Steels ...  Recently damaged myself again... and steel playing seems to be my next G.A.S provoker...  I do have a real Dobro... but this whole handmade thing really appeals to me...  and could help me justify all these cool machineries in my cellar...  Lathes millers and woodworking stuff as well...

 Anyone interested in a big tablesaw that has tasted Wolf blood twice???


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  • Oh Dear... 

      I have a slide that runs on my pinky...sort of...  www.jetslide.com  actually I bought two... a brass one Which my son is using and a stainless one with a glass overlay... I did like the brass better....

      So I'm showing my Doctor my modified thumb pick and she starts to tell me about this guy who just lost two fingers to a snowblower... he's a metal guitar player ... and says.. well I'll just have to figure out a way... She says the nice thing about musicians is they don't usually need a lot of rehab work cause ... if they are actively playing they are doing it themselves...


    Well here's to good healing... and finding an affordable band-saw...   My monster table-saw is on the block...   I need a bandsaw but I have three tablesaws... and this one is a space hog...

  • You got luckier than I did with my recent (3 weeks ago) table saw accident. I got my left hand (I'm right handed). I lost a half inch off my pinky sliced my middle fingertip to the bone, and took a couple chips out of that bone, and got the tip of my index finger.  Lets just say that I won't be playing my 6 string any time soon. Funny thing is before the accident I was using my ring finger to play slide cbg. That's the only finger that the blade didn't get. Try to figure that one out!
  • I do have a scribble here someplace of an upright instrument I wanted to build... its sort of a copy of a 40's Veega instrument...   Looks like the child of a union of an upright bass and an Hourglass dulcimer... Full bass neck... full height bridge ... Skinny body but almost as deep as a regular upright...  the original had a pickup that must have required several hard hits of whatever they used instead of acid in those days to design it .. the bridge set on a plate... on rubber damped springs... with 4 rods that went through four coils... it had a fairly low output...  as I remember it had a volume and a "tone" knob....  I have a ton of stuff and not a lot of space so my stuff at times can be buried deep but this site is a major incentive to get back to it.. specially since I am recently laid off...
  • Dude, circular saw blades bite hard, looks like you got off lucky. Please dont do that, and please be a warning to all that working with small parts on some of these tools is not to be taken lightly!

    Nice Dobro, I'm jealous! Welcome to the nation I look foward to your contribution.

    P.S. I want to build an upright bass type instrument. Wow us with some original ideas!

    Have fun (and guard your digits!)

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