Hi all,
Name is Phil, been playing guitar for a few decades and just stumbled upon CBGs. I had seen them here and there usually in a cigar shop and figured it was just some neat decoration. While browsing the interwebs for slide guitar techniques and such I came upon these CBGs and became intrigued. Such a rich history and great sound had got me hooked and I was set on building and playing one of these unique instruments.
I just finished my first build a few days ago. Used a Padron 3000 box I had laying around. Threw it together with a poplar neck and a piezo pickup. Had a great time building this and have had a great time so far playing it. This is the first of many Im sure.
Thanks, I've already got the next one on the workbench
Nice one Phil. Be sure that this is just the first of many. Welcome to the Addiction Nation.