
Call me jacman. Some weeks ago - never mind how long precisely - having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me in this little corner of THE GREAT MOJAVE DESERT, I thought I would chill a little and see the cigar box part of the world.

My journey here is Melville-ian in length. Suffice it to say, i've played ukulele for a bit (not so good) & i have always been intrigued by the slide guitar, pre-war acoustic blues and primitivism (for lack of a better term).

So, when the weather permits i will be cleaning out my garage and setting up a workshop wherein i hope to make cigar box guitars and diddley bows.

until then, i remain a bucket hat wearing curmudgeon.

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  • Kinda hard to tell people to get off your lawn when you don't have one isn't it?

    Welcome, we're glad to have you.

    • I still shake my fist, but i yell: "HEY, you kids, get off of my lovely desert landscaping!!!"

    • hahaha

  • Hi Jac, (guess that greeting you in an airliner could be hazardous) Welcome to the Nation.  Curmudgeons are welcome here, we even have our own group...   Be aware that once you build one, others are sure to follow. Its' a great addiction hobby to get involved with and plenty of fun, like minded nut cases here to help you in your journey.

    Life is good on the lunatic fringe, Duck

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