I had never heard or seen of cigar box instruments until today. My wife asked if I could make her a Ukelele, so I did a search and found Cigar Box Nation.
I am looking forward to learning everything I can.
I hope to start a Uke project as soon as I can get materials together.. My wifes birthday is the end of May. I am hoping I can complete a decent Uke in that time.
My first build (and so far only) was a uke. It is great fun. Once you have all the parts, it wou't take long. I spent the most time on the frets and rushed the rest as I was so impatient to finish it.
Good luck. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
I got a lot of tips from Brian Walak. You might want to touch base with him. Also, see my page. Welcome!
wife wants a uke? Perfect excuse to go tool shopping! Awesome!
Welcome Donald, glad to see you here!