Hi I'm Phil from England

Hi guys. I'm Phil and as the title suggests I'm from England. I'm relatively new to this cigar box guitar stuff although I can feel myself becoming slightly addicted to it. My first guitar was a 3 stringer and I have since progressed to a four stringer with humbucker pickup, a mandolin and am currently building a ukulele. I have also started building guitars for my friends and am half way through a 3 stringer with piezo pickup. So far I am absolutely loving it. Got some plans to build a resonator in the near future and I will see how it goes from there. Also thinking of starting a one man band project so I was wondering if anyone knows anything about the UK cigar box scene, or even if there is one? I'm loving the site and have got many tidbits of info and have been introduced to some great new artists whilst perusing the site so I thought I would join up and say hi.

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  • I'm in Preston in Lancashire. Don't know anyone else who is into cigar box music except for the friends I have forced it on. Although they seem to like it and want guitars from me. The site has been invaluable so far and I've only known about it for a few days.
  • hey phil , im a newbie to this but im sure theyll be plenty here for ya as there was for me

    where abouts in the uk fella ?

    im essex direction ! bad i know lolol

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