Hi I'm Chris

I'm Chris

I have been playing and studying music since I was 12 and I am now 22. I play trumpet, bass, guitar, ukelele, and various other instruments. I am currently going to school to get my Bachelor's degree in music production. I have always loved guitars and view them as functional pieces of art. I have always wanted to build my own guitars and I finally have some of the material I need for my first CBG. I have some tuning pegs I took off of my old uke that i rarely use and a wooden case that is perfect for the body it is actually a case to my old art kit. I know it is not a cigar box but the local convenience store said they will start saving their discarded cigar boxes for me. I can't decide on making it an electric, an acoustic, or a resonator. Hopefully pictures will come soon. What thoughts and advice do you have? For my first build I would like to spend as little money as possible you know because I am a broke college student/musician.

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