Hi from mexico city!

Hi everyone, I'm Freddy and just joined to say hello and thanks for all the good info and photos of cbg's, already started to build my first one taking a lot of hints from all the great designs over here, let's see how it goes.


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  • Hi Freddy,

    Welcome to CBN, I build tele and strat style boxes and ukuleles. This hobby has extended itself into solid wood models as well. My first was a three string with transducer pickup, maple neck wood from home depot, fret wire, I keep it for nostalgic purposes not because it sounds great.

    What are you building or planing on?

    • Hi smilingdog1!, my plan is to build a 3 string fretless, already did some work on the neck, went with a 25" scale maple neck + ebony fingerboard... it is my first time working with this woods, aiming high I guess hehee but so far things are going ok (fingerboard not glued yet in the photo):305912736?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Also did some tests with inlays for the fingerboard:

      305913879?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024but I'm not sure about the fret lines in the ebony fingerboard as it is brittle, I fear to do something wrong at some point while doing the 22 marks.

      And of course I have some doubts about the rest of the stuff, like neck angle and action, will ask some questions later, wish me luck :)

    • There are plenty of fret templates available for free on line with a little search. Here on CBN there are some commentaries on fretting. Most importantly in my opinion is to not be afraid to make mistakes especially on the first box. The more care and you put into it will make a difference yes, but you will learn much from your errors us we all do. Like I said, I've kept my first CBG, it sounds funky, but it plays a tune. I learned a ton of information from it. I now have made templates to route my guitars so everything fits snug.

      The neck angle, I like my fret board above the box aprox the same as any guitar or ukulele, use a straight edge to level or slightly bow back. The bridge height can be adjusted to suit your style of playing. Remember the string tension will bow the neck up slightly. Your Cigar box looks awesome. Looking forward to some pics of your completion.Uploaded a couple of of pics of my projects, each one a learning experience.




    • Nice guitars smilingdog1! I like the CBCaster hehee. So, the action in this one is like in a regular guitar, right?

      I did some more work with the neck today, will post more photos later!

    • Thank you. The caster has a close action set for a gentle touch, the body is actually solid African mahogany, walnut pick guard covers 100% of the face, the pickups are vintage fender.  There are great videos available on You Tube showing proper neck adjustments and nut-bridge height.  Look forward to seeing a follow up on your CBG.

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