Hello from Woodstock, Georgia

Hi, I've been bitten by the CBG bug and started on my first instrument yesterday.  I've done some lutherie before working in someone elses shop and build a few classical and steel string acoustics but have been working on pianos for the past 10 years doing touchups and some refinishing.  I found cigar box guitars on youtube and loved what I heard.  I found some great cigar shops willing to part with boxes for cheap and one of the piano dealers I work for has one of the best rebuild shops in the country and I've gotten everyone in the shop on board to start a CBG.

I'm waiting on my order of parts from Gitty to really get into full swing.


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  • I too look forward to your input, welcome Charlotte!

  • Welcome, Charlotte.  With you're background I'm anxious to see your work.  I hope you'll share it with us.  Good luck on the building.

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