Hello from Virginia - N00B to CBG

Hello!. Name is Bill. Built my first CBG from a CB Gitty kit 2 months ago. Now working on learning to play the thing. Got interested after seeing Samantha Fish playing one in a music video. Researched a few sites such as this one. Made mine as an acoustic, with the disc piezo. Kit came with 8" x 8" x 2" cigar box. I did include 2 springs as resonators after reviewing Del Puckett videos on it. Two months of lessons on-line from Patrick Curley & Uncle Mark, plus the tabs from various locations.

I've included a pic of inside the box showing springs & piezo and then the finished CBG

Looking forward to learning more here.




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  • Welcome Bill, Samantha fish is a wonderful artist. Not bad to look at either, which is probably why my wife doesn't care for her when I'm playing the videos on YouTube. LOL

    You did a great job on your build. The springs give a bit of reverb effect and you might want to use a couple different sizes of springs to find which ones work best. That's another excuse to make yet another trip to the hardware store. ;)

    Don't let the lessons intimidate you and you'll do fine.

    • Thank you Paul!

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