Greetings from the East of England. I hadn't seen a cigar box guitar until a couple of weeks ago when I saw a lady (I suspect she was bemuzic) busking in Cambridge. As I dashed past, I noticed the words 'cigar box guitar' and though that the slide sounded cool. After looking them up on the Internet, I decided to build one and, having done so, joined Cigar Box Nation. I know, wrong way round.
The first build was a bit chaotic (cut, measure, think !) but I got some great tips off the forum on how to correct the mistakes. The result is pretty crude compared to some of the craftsmanship that's on display but it sounds quite good, which was a pleasant surprise given that it was largely made of bits that were lying round the garage.
This is it. Apologies to the purists, Guitar No2 will be planned a bit better. Thanks for contributing so much useful info to this site, it's going to be a great help.
Thanks for your supportive comments. I now have it hooked up to a little amp, housed in an MDF-lined biscuit tin, and will work on teaching myself to play it. Learning to play it properly may take a little longer than building it.
Looks like a fine job to me, you have nothing to apologize for. Now you can get to jamming.
Diglydog, this captures the spirit of the whole CBG movenment for me, 'dive in and have a go'.
Great looking build, I'd like to hear it one day. Welcome aboard.
Nothing wrong with that! Nice job on your first, and welcome!
nuttin wrong w this build at all keep on truckin ur doin fine