Hello, thought I'd introduce myself since I'll be learning from all the great info on this site. I stumbled across CBG's recently and they struck me as a great way to combine my (poor) guitar skills and my (mediocre) woodworking skills with my love of music, building and tinkering.
I've already started working on a few projects. Mostly finished up a cigar box amp tonight, if I can just find that stupid headphone jack nut that my garage ate. Also started messing with making a stompbox.
My next project is a CGB. I've got the box and wood, just trying to figure out what I want to do for a bridge and neck.
Anyway, my name is Bryan from Waynesville Ohio, see you around and thanks in advance for the help I'm sure to ask for.
Thanks all!
When you combine those two traits together, such as I have, you have a great reason to build. Enjoy!
As far as the nut for the jack... Wherever it fell, looks three feet behind you and there it is......
Welcome Brian
Shure we can answer most questions except when to stop ,,,Good luck with the nut hunt.
Welcome Bryan.