From Belgium

I'm Luc from Belgium. I'm software engineer. I like Blues and  start to learn guitar 2 months ago. Doing some search about blues and guitar, i discovered the CBG and immediately fall in love. 

I'll learn a lot in this community and maybe I'll meet other Belgians.

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  • Hi Luc

    You seem to have found the site in exactly the same way that I did a couple of days ago.

    I'm a Blues fan too and have also recently started to learn guitar.

    Have you plans to build your own CGB?



    • Hello Midge

      I hope to build one but I have first to find a little place in my flat where I could do odd jobs

    • I'm sure you can find a little space to work in.

      I've got my first Cigar Box in the mail right

      now and look forward to having a go.

      My wife and I were in Ypres last year

      and hope to return later this year for a few days.


    • I think I'll do like you. Buying the first one and building the other

      If you come back in Belgium, tell me. Country is small so it's quiet easy to meet people

  • Welcome, I'm not from belgium but from neteherlands, so hi neighbour :-)


    • hello neighbour.

      I'm at only 30km from Maestricht and like to bike :-))

  • Hi Luc,

    Welcome aboard.
    It's been a while since I last logged in, but always nice to meet a fellow Belgian here.

    If you'd like to have a beer and jam, would be great.


    • Good idea ;-)

      Where are you in Belgium?

  • Welcome Luc Bosman. The nation has a lot going on. So many groups and discussions on related topics. You probably have many questions if you are new to cigar box guitars so don't be afraid to ask and look around the site, you'll pick up plenty ideas.

    • I'll

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