David from Kent England looking for Help

Hi all, names David from Kent in England i recently joined the growing CBG family.I've completed 2 three string model builds which both turned quitegood 1 of witch i just sold. my problem now, is i need to learn how to play! ive managed to learn 1 rift and one song from watching others play on YouTube without ever playing a guitar before. what i really want though, is to sit down with someone, so i can ask quesions, get tips etc. unfortunatly all the instructors ive contacted either dont play slide, never heard of CBG's or only want to teach classical style. Does anybody out there know of anyone living in the Kent area, England (Sevenoaks) who plays/owns a CBG who may be able to help? Thank a lot guys...... Regards David

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  • Hi David, Im Lance from Indiana USA. I chorded and messed around with 6 string acoustics but never very good at it but these 3 stringers reduce the playing field. My suggestion is on your own learn a little theory. You dont have to get real deep into it but just enough to understand the notes on your neck in open tunings. The great thing is there are only three strings to learn and in alot of three string tunings the top and the bottom are the same so you really only have to learn two strings. Just experiment until you find a teacher. If I were good enough I would try to give you lessons. Good luck and have fun with it

    • Hi Lance,Thanks for the advice..... i am starting to get a few nice sounds from her and have just spent £9 ($14) on a basic lessons DVD which i hope will make sence and start my education into musical stardom. Seriouly thou, i just want to start to make some of the great sounds i here when listerning to slide blues..... Keeping my fingers crossed.

      Regards David

  • Hiya, just trying to upload a vid of two CBG's i made last month. Was moved to getting the tools out after seelng some quality builds on Youtube. I think theyve turned out Ok, and they dont sound bad either.... although im no judge as i cant play yet! Sorry about picture of myself.... i'll stop taking the pills. David

  • Hi David, Delbert here from Albuquerque NM. How would you feel about a skype lesson? I can show you a few tricks with the blues theory that would help you out quite a bit I'm sure. Just let me know....I'm not really sure about the time diff, I would have to look it up so as to find a good time for both of us.



    • Hi Delbert, excellent offer. I'll have to check this out with my son when he gets in. i must be an old fart as i dont know anything about skype and how it works.... will get back to you.



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