Brief Intro...

Hi, my name is Paul Smith (soon to be 'Swamp Dogg' if it's not already taken!) and I live in Worcester UK.


I started having banjo lessons (slow going) back in July 2011 which was my first attempt at a stringed instrument. Before that my only musical experience was the 'Djembe' which I started in Oct 2009.


My first build was a 'Quality Street' 3 string guitar, which sounded great, though after a couple of broken strings became my first Diddly Bow.


I've also built a plank bow using a guitar string and am about to build another with broom wire that I bought from One String Willie.


My first Cigar Box Bow, with a piezo pickup was finished last week and although it sounds a bit tinny was an overall success...


I hope to connect with local Worcestershire/West Midlands CBG(ers) who could offer a helping hand / useful tips.


One of my other passions is Japanese short form poetry (written in English) my blog is here...


Happy New Year to you all, it's good to be onboard!


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  • Hi Hayden, good to connect with you here. I'll take a look at the Handyman House sometime. Let me know if there are any local meetings, I'm a total beginner as a player but really keen to learn.

    All the best


    Hayden "PENFOOT" Butler said:

    Hey Paul,

    I live in Colwall, (just over the Malvern Hills) and have found Handyman House in Malvern Link to be a great place to get wood for necks and other materials like bolts for bridges and nuts.  There are a few other CBGers in the area, and I did create a group for the west midlands area but that seems to have disappeared somehow.  Anyway make sure you get your self known on the British group here.

  • Hey Paul,

    I live in Colwall, (just over the Malvern Hills) and have found Handyman House in Malvern Link to be a great place to get wood for necks and other materials like bolts for bridges and nuts.  There are a few other CBGers in the area, and I did create a group for the west midlands area but that seems to have disappeared somehow.  Anyway make sure you get your self known on the British group here.

  • Thanks Chris, I've just sent you a message in reply to this.


    Chris Thomas said:

    Hi Paul,

    sub-group, yes please would be great, BaddMuzic would be a great title for me as shamefully I play bad music. Got two adult lads one down the road and one in Madrid who just went home yesterday who play megga music but they look up to me when it comes to hands on stuff. Just doing an exotic wood body for Guy the oldest on his Fender strat and a bit worried about the wiring up but confident I can cope, well I think so. Paul mate help me out on the CBG and I will do some horn/bone/metal/wood fittings as a thank you. Making some plectrums out of horn so send me your address and I will post you a few to put through their paces and give me a heavy users opinion of better/best/useless. Going to do a few SS and glass bottleneck slides so you can put those through their paces for me too mate. Check out chickenbonejohn's site, that guy can make a guitar out of nothing and he's not far from your area, a lot nearer than me sadly. Seems a great guy and does flat wound strings which I have failed to find anywhere, consult him first on the best strings. Was unaware of the guitar festivals but will be going to Leeds guitar festival next September. Bid on three Michael Messer guitars and failed each time, don't think I thought I had a chance with my meagre fundings but one day I will get a lightening. Have a look at the MM site, some really nice people and a vast amount of help, some great vids of great blues players.  Keep in touch mate, mail me anytime, glad for your friendship, hope you don't mind if I stick with Paul rather than the swamp thing, think I merit pond mouse at the best. All the best, Chris. :) 

    Paul Smith said:

    Hi Chris, my tongue was firmly in cheek with the Swamp Dogg thing... But it's kinda grown on me!

    I'll try and make a video in the next couple of days and as I said overall I am very happy with the build, it maybe that the plain steel string isn't right. Time will tell.


    As for playing, one day I'll be awesome, but in the meantime perhaps we can start a BaddMuzic sub-group?


    Thanks for connecting with me here.

    All the best

    Chris Thomas said:

    Hi Paul, prefer Paul to swamp stuff but what the hey, sorry not near West Mids more north but still happy to talk, not made a CGB yet but rearing to go, would like to hear and learn from your mistakes mate. Sorry to hear your playing is bad, bet ya mine is worse without a doubt, pretty embarrassing as both my lads play pro. Best of and for the new year mate, Chris. :)

  • Hi Paul,

    sub-group, yes please would be great, BaddMuzic would be a great title for me as shamefully I play bad music. Got two adult lads one down the road and one in Madrid who just went home yesterday who play megga music but they look up to me when it comes to hands on stuff. Just doing an exotic wood body for Guy the oldest on his Fender strat and a bit worried about the wiring up but confident I can cope, well I think so. Paul mate help me out on the CBG and I will do some horn/bone/metal/wood fittings as a thank you. Making some plectrums out of horn so send me your address and I will post you a few to put through their paces and give me a heavy users opinion of better/best/useless. Going to do a few SS and glass bottleneck slides so you can put those through their paces for me too mate. Check out chickenbonejohn's site, that guy can make a guitar out of nothing and he's not far from your area, a lot nearer than me sadly. Seems a great guy and does flat wound strings which I have failed to find anywhere, consult him first on the best strings. Was unaware of the guitar festivals but will be going to Leeds guitar festival next September. Bid on three Michael Messer guitars and failed each time, don't think I thought I had a chance with my meagre fundings but one day I will get a lightening. Have a look at the MM site, some really nice people and a vast amount of help, some great vids of great blues players.  Keep in touch mate, mail me anytime, glad for your friendship, hope you don't mind if I stick with Paul rather than the swamp thing, think I merit pond mouse at the best. All the best, Chris. :) 

    Paul Smith said:

    Hi Chris, my tongue was firmly in cheek with the Swamp Dogg thing... But it's kinda grown on me!

    I'll try and make a video in the next couple of days and as I said overall I am very happy with the build, it maybe that the plain steel string isn't right. Time will tell.


    As for playing, one day I'll be awesome, but in the meantime perhaps we can start a BaddMuzic sub-group?


    Thanks for connecting with me here.

    All the best

    Chris Thomas said:

    Hi Paul, prefer Paul to swamp stuff but what the hey, sorry not near West Mids more north but still happy to talk, not made a CGB yet but rearing to go, would like to hear and learn from your mistakes mate. Sorry to hear your playing is bad, bet ya mine is worse without a doubt, pretty embarrassing as both my lads play pro. Best of and for the new year mate, Chris. :)

  • Hi Chris, my tongue was firmly in cheek with the Swamp Dogg thing... But it's kinda grown on me!

    I'll try and make a video in the next couple of days and as I said overall I am very happy with the build, it maybe that the plain steel string isn't right. Time will tell.


    As for playing, one day I'll be awesome, but in the meantime perhaps we can start a BaddMuzic sub-group?


    Thanks for connecting with me here.

    All the best

    Chris Thomas said:

    Hi Paul, prefer Paul to swamp stuff but what the hey, sorry not near West Mids more north but still happy to talk, not made a CGB yet but rearing to go, would like to hear and learn from your mistakes mate. Sorry to hear your playing is bad, bet ya mine is worse without a doubt, pretty embarrassing as both my lads play pro. Best of and for the new year mate, Chris. :)

  • Hi Paul, prefer Paul to swamp stuff but what the hey, sorry not near West Mids more north but still happy to talk, not made a CGB yet but rearing to go, would like to hear and learn from your mistakes mate. Sorry to hear your playing is bad, bet ya mine is worse without a doubt, pretty embarrassing as both my lads play pro. Best of and for the new year mate, Chris. :)

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