An Introduction, Comments and Questions

Hello Everyone, My name is Quinn Jacobson. I've recently picked up a CBG, well, I had one made by Jim Mitchell in Land O' Lakes, FLA. It's very nice. It's made from a Davidoff box. The CBG fits well with my other passion, wet plate Collodion photography. Just like the CBG is the first instrument of the blues, this type of photography is the first faithful negative/positive process. It was invented in 1851 and was used during the American Civil War (Ambrotypes, Tintypes, Albumen). My issue/problem is that I live in Germany. I can't find ANY CBG people here - I would love to learn to (really) play this instrument! Any ideas? Also, I would like to buy a (3 string) CBG with a pickup and amp. Any ideas? Thanks! Quinn

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  • Time is also my problem. But after seeing your work, i can imagine that you have some other fine things to do. I am rather looking for a little distraction, using my creative spirits that I can't use in my normal work. But I hope, you will find the time to build one. I just started but it's really fun so far.
  • Thanks Greg, I appreciate that. I might attempt to build one myself - time is what I lack the most of.


    Greg S said:
    Hi Quinn,
    welcome to the nation again. I'm from Germany, so I know that there is not really a scene here for cbg's. Also I just started to build my first cbg and my first cigar box amp, so I am not able to sell you one. But I know that there are some builders in Germany, also in Belgium, France and the Netherlands, and of course in the UK there are some. Just look around here. I will also look up my bookmarks. I think a have at least a few links for cbg builders in germany, but still, if you order one elsewhere in the European Union, there should be at least no problems with additional custom fees.
    For example, you could try to contact our member Diydc. He is also in Germany and seems to be an experienced builder and cbg musician, although I don't know if he is selling cbgs or amps.

    But what about building one yourself? It seems that some tools or materials that are available in the US, are not available here. So you have to go for substitutes or other materials. But that's not really a problem. Also it is not easy getting good boxes, but it is still possible. So, if you decide to build your own, we might be able to exchange some sources for boxes or material.

    Also it would be cool, if you would upload one or two of your Collodion photos. I would like to take a look.

    Best wishes,
  • Hi Quinn,
    welcome to the nation again. I'm from Germany, so I know that there is not really a scene here for cbg's. Also I just started to build my first cbg and my first cigar box amp, so I am not able to sell you one. But I know that there are some builders in Germany, also in Belgium, France and the Netherlands, and of course in the UK there are some. Just look around here. I will also look up my bookmarks. I think a have at least a few links for cbg builders in germany, but still, if you order one elsewhere in the European Union, there should be at least no problems with additional custom fees.
    For example, you could try to contact our member Diydc. He is also in Germany and seems to be an experienced builder and cbg musician, although I don't know if he is selling cbgs or amps.

    But what about building one yourself? It seems that some tools or materials that are available in the US, are not available here. So you have to go for substitutes or other materials. But that's not really a problem. Also it is not easy getting good boxes, but it is still possible. So, if you decide to build your own, we might be able to exchange some sources for boxes or material.

    Also it would be cool, if you would upload one or two of your Collodion photos. I would like to take a look.

    Best wishes,
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